
hot spot:

1. The clitoris . See vagina for synonyms.

2. An place or area frequented by lovers; a lovers' rendezvous.

3. A popular and lively place or area such as a nightclub.

See Also: 120 in the shade, alamo!, appetence, appetency, appetite, ardor veneris, aunt Flo, BBQ'N, beauty mark, bed bugs, brand, C-light, candle wax torture, carnal desire, chaud, cloven inlet, comfort zone, cookie crumbs, damp patch, fag mag, fervent, fervid, grab a bird, hard breathing, hot, hot about, hot bod, hot bot, hot box, hot flash, hot flush, hot for, hot item, hot rocks, hot rod it, hot-panted woman, hotter than a fresh-fucked fox in a forest fire, IMB, intermenstrual bleeding, Irish confetti, love nuts, sex number, tit in a wringer, transdetector, wax, wax torture, wet patch, wet spot

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